We apply our knowledge of engeneering and our experience in surfing and windsurfing in the process of shaping and producing of O'S Custom Boards.

Windsurfing O'S Custom Board

We combine CNC technology with hand craft, deep understanding of dynamics with years of practice and personalised experience with design. This is your home spot, if you search for surfing, windsurfing or foiling high performance.

You will get a full in-house custom board: idea, design, CNC shape, hand crafted finishing and custom print or paint.


Custom shaped board and custom finishing. Authentic.


Express your needs and keep tracking over the process.


CNC CAD Shaped

Control over the correct shaping and posibility to reproduce your board in future.

Light and solid

Quality construction with minimum weight.


Jaime Custom Windsurfing Board 360

Action pictures

Fullscreen Action pictures - O'S Custom Boards

My beloved Clients

"Best shaper in town."
Karin Custom Windsurfing Board Jesus Christ South Africa
Karin D.
"Alucino con las tablas de Jaime O'Shanahan y los diseños de Mochita... Gracias a los dos... las tablas me encantan!!!!"
Carlos A.
Surfer & Windsurfer
"Privada con mi nueva tabla. Muchas gracias Jaime O'Shanahan, eres un máquina!!!"
Alicia A.
Surfer & windsurfer